Copyright (C) 2003,2004 dr. Cristiano Sadun

Class FlatFileParser

  extended byorg.sadun.text.ffp.FlatFileParser
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FlatFileParser
extends java.lang.Object

A parser for flat files.

This parser employs LineFormat objects to specify the format of the flat file. The FlatFileParser(LineFormat) constructor is useful when the flat file is simple, each logical line having identical format. Together with LineFormat.fromImage(String) allows to declare the parser and the format in one line of code:

  FlatFileParser ffp = new FlatFileParser(LineFormat.fromImage("##### type1 @@@ @@@"));
will parse flat files with a number in position 0-5, the constant type1 at position 5-10, and two alphanumeric fields of three characters each (see LineFormat for image syntax).

Alternatively, if a flat file contains lines with different formats, the corresponding LineFormat objects can be associated to a condition by using #declare(Condition, LineFormat).

Parsing will occur by registering a FlatFileParser.Listener (or associating a specific listener to each line format by using addDispatch and invoking one of the parse() methods:

  ffp.addListener(new EchoListener());
  ffp.parse(new File("myfile.txt"));

For each line, the parser will examine the conditions and use the line format which matches. Only one condition is allowed to match for each line, and it's programmer responsability to ensure that the given conditions do not overlap.

Cristiano Sadun

Nested Class Summary
static interface FlatFileParser.AdvancedListener
          Classes implementing this extension of Listener will receive more events on flat file parsing.
static interface FlatFileParser.Condition
          An object implementing this interface can decide whether or not the physical line currently available for reading match or not a certain condition, in the FlatFileParser.Condition#holds(int, int, LineReader) method.
static interface FlatFileParser.LineReader
          Objects implementing this interface allow to access the flat file during parsing, from outside the parser.
static interface FlatFileParser.Listener
          Classes implementing this interface can be registered in a FlatFileParser (using FlatFileParser#addListener(Listener)) to react to successfully parsed lines in the flat file.
static interface FlatFileParser.UnmatchedLineListener
          Classes implementing this extension of Listener will receive notification about lines where no condition matches on parsing, if the failOnNoMatchingConditions property is false.
Field Summary
static boolean defaultFailOnLineParsingError
          The default value used to intialize the failOnLineParsingError property when a parser instance is constructed.
static java.lang.String LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME
          The logger channel used by this package.
Constructor Summary
          Create a parser with no associated line formats.
FlatFileParser(LineFormat format)
          Creates a parser which parses flat files whose all lines have the given format.
Method Summary
 void addDispatch(LineFormat format, FlatFileParser.Listener l)
          Associates the given LineFormat to the given listener, so that when a line is parsed by the given format, the event is sent to the given listener.
 void addListener(FlatFileParser.Listener l)
          Add the given listener to the registered listeners set.
 void declare(FlatFileParser.Condition condition, LineFormat format)
          Declare that a certain LineFormat is to be used under the given condition.
 void declare(FlatFileParser.Condition condition, java.lang.String formatImage)
          Declare that a certain LineFormat, whose image is given, is to be used under the given condition.
 void declare(LineFormat format)
          Declare that the only line format recognized by the parser be the one given.
 void declare(java.lang.String formatImage)
          Declare that the only line format recognized by the parser be the one whose image is given.
protected  java.util.Map getFieldsByCondition()
 java.lang.String getLineSeparator()
          Return the line separator string used by this parser.
 boolean isAutoTrimMode()
          Return the current state of the auto trim mode.
 boolean isFailOnLineParsingError()
          Return whether or not the parser should fail when a exception occurs parsing a line, or just emit a warning on the LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME channel.
 boolean isFailOnNoMatchingConditions()
          Return whether the parser will fail or not if no conditions match a line.
 boolean isFastMatchMode()
          Return the current state of the the fast match mode.
 void parse( file)
          Parse the text from in the given file.
 void parse( sourceReader)
          Parse the text from the given reader.
 void removeListener(FlatFileParser.Listener l)
          Remove the given listener from the registered listeners set.
 void setAutoTrimMode(boolean autoTrimMode)
          Set the auto trim mode.
 void setFailOnLineParsingError(boolean failOnLineParsingError)
          Set whether or not the parser should fail when a exception occurs parsing a line, or just emit a warning on the LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME channel.
 void setFailOnNoMatchingConditions(boolean failOnNoMatchingConditions)
          Set whether the parser will fail or not if no conditions match a line.
 void setFastMatchMode(boolean fastMatchMode)
          Set the current state of the the fast match mode.
 void setLineSeparator(java.lang.String lineSeparator)
          Set the line separator string used by this parser.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME
The logger channel used by this package. Its value is org.sadun.text.ffp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static boolean defaultFailOnLineParsingError
The default value used to intialize the failOnLineParsingError property when a parser instance is constructed.

Constructor Detail


public FlatFileParser()
Create a parser with no associated line formats.

Before running parse(Reader), at least one format must be added by invoking declare().


public FlatFileParser(LineFormat format)
Creates a parser which parses flat files whose all lines have the given format.

format -
Method Detail


public void declare(FlatFileParser.Condition condition,
                    LineFormat format)
Declare that a certain LineFormat is to be used under the given condition.

condition - the FlatFileParser.Condition condition that must hold.
format - the LineFormat to use.


public void declare(LineFormat format)
Declare that the only line format recognized by the parser be the one given. Further declarations (i.e. further invocations of any declare() overload) will fail.

Invoking this method after creating a parser with new FlatFileParser() is equivalent to use the constructor FlatFileParser(LineFormat).

format - the LineFormat to use for each line in the flat file.


public void declare(java.lang.String formatImage)
             throws ImageParseException
Declare that the only line format recognized by the parser be the one whose image is given. Further declarations (i.e. further invocations of any declare() overload) will fail.

Invoking this method after creating a parser with new FlatFileParser() is equivalent to use the constructor FlatFileParser(LineFormat).

formatImage - the LineFormat's image to use for each line in the flat file.
ImageParseException - if the given image is not correct
See Also:
{@link LineFormat#fromImage(String)}


public void declare(FlatFileParser.Condition condition,
                    java.lang.String formatImage)
             throws ImageParseException
Declare that a certain LineFormat, whose image is given, is to be used under the given condition.

condition - the FlatFileParser.Condition condition that must hold.
formatImage - the LineFormat's image to use for each line in the flat file.
ImageParseException - if the given image is not correct
See Also:
{@link LineFormat#fromImage(String)}


public void parse( file)
Parse the text from in the given file.

Notification of successful parsed lines is sent to any registered FlatFileParser.Listener (FlatFileParser#addListener(Listener) is used for registration).

file - the file to parse
Throws: - if an I/O exception occurs
FFPParseException - if the text format cannot be parsed correctly


public void parse( sourceReader)
Parse the text from the given reader.

Notification of successful parsed lines is sent to any registered FlatFileParser.Listener (FlatFileParser#addListener(Listener) is used for registration).

sourceReader - the reader to read the text from
Throws: - if an I/O exception occurs
FFPParseException - if the text format cannot be parsed correctly


public void addListener(FlatFileParser.Listener l)
Add the given listener to the registered listeners set.

See also #addDispatch(LineFormat, Listener).

l - the listener to add


public void addDispatch(LineFormat format,
                        FlatFileParser.Listener l)
Associates the given LineFormat to the given listener, so that when a line is parsed by the given format, the event is sent to the given listener.

An internal object of DispatcherListener class is used.

format - the line format on which the dispatch is to be based
l - the listener to associate


public void removeListener(FlatFileParser.Listener l)
Remove the given listener from the registered listeners set.

l - the listener to remove


public java.lang.String getLineSeparator()
Return the line separator string used by this parser.

the line separator string used by this parser.


public void setLineSeparator(java.lang.String lineSeparator)
Set the line separator string used by this parser. The separator is also set on all the LineFormats currently defined.

lineSeparator - the line separator string used by this parser.


public boolean isFailOnLineParsingError()
Return whether or not the parser should fail when a exception occurs parsing a line, or just emit a warning on the LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME channel.

whether or not the parser should fail when a exception occurs parsing a line, or just emit a warning on the LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME channel.


public void setFailOnLineParsingError(boolean failOnLineParsingError)
Set whether or not the parser should fail when a exception occurs parsing a line, or just emit a warning on the LOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME channel.

failOnLineParsingError - if true, the parse(Reader) methods will fail if there's a parsing problem on a line.


public boolean isFastMatchMode()
Return the current state of the the fast match mode. Fast match mode speeds up mixed line parsing by using the LineFormat associated of the last holding FlatFileParser.Condition if it still holds, avoiding to check all the conditions.

the current state of the the fast match mode.


public void setFastMatchMode(boolean fastMatchMode)
Set the current state of the the fast match mode. Fast match mode speeds up mixed line parsing by using the LineFormat associated of the last holding FlatFileParser.Condition if it still holds, avoiding to check all the conditions.

fastMatchMode - if true, enables the fastmatch mode, else disables it.


public boolean isAutoTrimMode()
Return the current state of the auto trim mode. In auto trim mode, strings are trimmed of trailing spaces before being notified to the listeners.

the current state of the the auto trim mode.


public void setAutoTrimMode(boolean autoTrimMode)
Set the auto trim mode. In auto trim mode, strings are trimmed of trailing spaces before being notified to the listeners.

autoTrimMode - if true, enables the auto trim mode, else disables it.


protected java.util.Map getFieldsByCondition()


public boolean isFailOnNoMatchingConditions()
Return whether the parser will fail or not if no conditions match a line.

true if the parser will fail or not if no conditions match a line, otherwise false.


public void setFailOnNoMatchingConditions(boolean failOnNoMatchingConditions)
Set whether the parser will fail or not if no conditions match a line.

failOnNoMatchingConditions - true if the parser must fail if no conditions match a line, otherwise false.

Copyright (C) 2003,2004 dr. Cristiano Sadun